Spiritual Doctors/Practitioners Energetic Healing:
How to Learn And Teach The Practice Of Spiritual Healing, and Train Individuals To Use Divine Love! and Energy Healing!
The “At Oneness Healing System Advanced Protocol“
Hi this is Bob Fritchie Director of World Service Institute!
We have prepared a special Presentation; Called:
“The At Oneness Healing System, Advanced Protocol”
I think you’ll find this very helpful! World Service Institute is a nonprofit Teaching Company formed to teach health professionals how to conduct energy healing based upon lab proven research!
Today I’ll be describing how the ‘At Oneness Healing System, Advanced Protocol’ came to be and how to use it to facilitate your own healing!
Since 1980 we’ve committed ourselves to finding healing solutions that work.
We discovered that the spiritual energy of Divine Love called “The Creator’s Love” can produce amazing and Lasting Healing for a variety of illnesses!
Now our Focus has changed to teaching both the public and health professionals how to do self-healing using the Divine Love Spiritual Healing Petitions. We have developed a petition that is an interactive request for healing! In which you are an active participant.
This is important so I’ll repeat the definition: It is a petition that is an Interactive request for healing in which you are an active participant!
PETITION Example: Think- “God, I have severe Neuropathy pain in my legs, I request your healing! You: Take in a deep breath and blow it out forcefully, as though you are blowing your request out in to the Universe!
Initially we developed a two- petition healing system called the “At Oneness Healing System with which a person could heal health symptoms: One symptom at a time with the Wess healing system that was introduced to the general public in 2013 through the book: “Being At One With The Divine.” People have attained successful results using this healing system!
We help people heal many illnesses which had no available Medical Solutions! illnesses such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, brain blood pools, and stage four cancers, hemophilia, learning disabilities and chemical poisoning!
When people worldwide requested information on how to heal their complex illnesses we published a short book in 2016 “Divine Love Self-Healing, The At Oneness Healing System”! This book explains how the body heals and how the At Oneness Healing System facilitates healing!
We learned that some people were experiencing difficulty accepting Divine Love healing due to negative environments and/or stress at home or in a workplace! For relief from these effects we developed and tested additional petitions to enable more rapid healing! We call this fully integrated system the “At Oneness Healing System: Advanced Protocol” The Advanced Protocol has been tested in a wide variety of individual healing cases!! The results were so successful that we introduced the Advanced Protocol to people on our International webinars! Participants often reported spontaneous healing of their health problems on those live webinars!! The webinars became so popular that we had to repeat them many times in order to accommodate people in different time zones throughout the world! When we were unable to keep up with the demand we decided to produce the Advanced Protocol and Healing Statement training video from a live 2018 webinar!! People can study this video at their leisure!
The video explains how to use the Advanced Protocol to attain spiritual alignment with the Divine Love and how to heal your system energetically with Divine Love! The advanced protocol was also introduced to the general public in the 2018 book “Dynamic Realities and Divine Love Healing”
Thus removing elephants from the room! This book helped demystify healing and made our healing solution available in multiple countries!
While most people reported that their long-standing health problems completely healed, some participants had difficulty understanding the advanced protocol! So, we explained the advantages of using the advanced protocol over other approaches in the 2022 book “The Miracle of Divine Love Healing”
Our earlier books webinars and public Workshop information are now consolidated into just two training tools to help you maximize your personal healing! The training tools are the Advanced Protocol and Healing statement training video and the book The Miracle of Divine Love Healing. These tools integrate more than 40 Years of experience in implementing Divine Love spiritual healing!
Let’s discuss the composition and use of the Advanced Protocol! The Advanced Protocol is composed of three components: Two healing statements which you say, allow to specify what you’re asking the Creator to heal followed by limited periods of deep breathing! The statements also act as a password to access the Advanced Protocol in any time from any place to heal anything the Creator is willing to heal! The second thing is a Consciousness petition that brings your conscious and subconscious Body and Mind into full alignment with the Divine! The third thing we talk about are the multiple petitions that operate automatically as needed to accelerate healing! Remember that a petition is an interactive request for healing in which you are an active participant! Understanding these petitions in a general way should build your confidence and relieve any anxiety over how your body heals with the components of the Advanced Protocol The Protocol is described in our book “Dynamic realities and Divine Love Healing”!
An individual can build their own Advanced protocol based upon the book; but that is unnecessary! The easiest way to work with the Advanced Protocol is to acquire the Advanced Protocol and healing statement training video then all you need to do is to use the two simple healing statements!
Everything else in the Advanced Protocol is automatic! You can play the Advanced Protocol on your smartphone as a streaming video or you can download a personal copy to your computer for your permanent use!
Now following is an overview of the components of the Advanced Protocol!
First the healing statements:
Two healing statements are necessary to access and operate the advanced protocol!
Each healing statement specifies a symptom which is a description of what you are trying to heal!Healing statement number one specifies what symptom you’re asking the Creator to correct after saying the healing statement your body will begin to heal from the outside to the inside!
How fast your body heals depends upon the existence of other energy bundles we call popups!
Popups are symptom Associated energy patterns that reside in your body! They can interfere with the healing of your stated symptom! You must release popups for your body to heal
Complete Healing statement number two:
This can be said within minutes after saying healing statement number one !
Healing statement number two automatically heals all popups associated with your specified Symptom!
Let’s look at these petitions:
Consciousness Correction petition!
When you begin to use the Advanced Protocol your entire mental function is automatically brought back into good operating condition! People whose systems may have become poisoned by drugs or alcohol abuse or damaged by other means are usually able to regain their full mental function!
Both childhood and adult life experiences influence us! Medical scientists have explained how the brain’s left and right hemispheres work! Various scientists have also reported how thoughts influence our behavior! These functions occur using the conscious mind and the subconscious mind!
We may believe we are making decisions using our conscious mind however the subconscious can limit current decision making ability! The subconscious may store forgotten events that can cause one to react in a negative emotional way!
To a present situation after studying this problem for several years we developed a six step Divine Love Spiritual Healing technique that properly links both hemispheres of the brain to our conscious and subconscious mind! This results in a unified and balanced brain that can operate as intended using both hemispheres! The technique is fully disclosed in our book Dynamic Realities and Divine Love healing!
As part one of the advanced protocol however it is not necessary for you to build these petitions because consciousness correction petitions operate automatically in the Advanced Protocol and healing state !
The training video now at the at Spiritual one petition! This powerful petition is a carryover from our first at oneness healing system this petition helps you align yourself spiritually so that you no longer feel separated from the Creator! It also addresses the root causes of your specified symptom!
Many believe that if they do not follow certain religious guidelines they will be separated from their God the Creator and possibly punished or banished! That belief builds a subconscious resistance to Healing However be assured the Creator will never abandon you!!!
The at Wess petition states your willingness to surrender yourself to guidance from the Creator
Some people want to retain control and are therefore reluctant to allow spiritual guidance from the Creator!! If you are sincere then your conscious and subconscious aligned with the Creator’s will and then you can successfully use the Advanced Protocol!
The Lovingness petition: This was the second petition in the original At Oneness Healing System!
Over time this petition will heal On Living Thoughts! if you are living with mental confusion or extreme anxiety this may be the result of on loving thought! Staying connected to Divine love petition when you are constantly exposed to negativity, negative emotions may disconnect you from Divine Love!! When you disconnect, healing stops! This petition is designed to keep you connected to Divine Love! for complete healing! The resistance petition helps with control issues and spiritual essence!
Problem Number one is control issues!
People want to feel that they are in control of their lives yet in reality our lack of control is evidenced by failed social systems and so many disturbing world events, as a result we may tend to question many of our beliefs!!!
The resistance petition corrects misunderstandings that cause us to resist healing!!
Problem Number two is spiritual:
Essence matter has molecules both seen and unseen. Unseen molecules may be Atomic or they can be spiritual! Spiritual molecules or spiritual Essence may be accessed when needed to recover health as an example:
Someone may need additional oxygen in their cells to become well but they unknowingly create a resistance due to shallow breathing or the inability to breathe deeply enough when an oxygen breathing machine is unavailable!!
The resistance petition automatically provides a spiritual essence of necessary oxygen this benefits someone who cannot do the periodic deep breathing specified in the Advanced Protocol and Healing statement training video!!
Next is educating your cells petition: When nerves or neural pathways are interrupted as a result of an accident or disease!! The body may be unaware of any physical changes!! This petition energetically educates all the cells in the body! It is now known that when nerves and neural pathways are functioning properly each cell in the body has awareness both of its own function and the functions of other cells!!
Several key points:
All of the petitions just discussed work together seamlessly and automatically as needed to heal your symptoms according to the Creator’s will!!!
The Advanced Protocol provides everything you need to help you become well even when there is no existing appropriate improved medical treatment!!
The Advanced Protocol heals the root causes of your ailment the advanced protocol usually heals a single illness within 10 days; thereafter your medical provider May test your system to assure that you are healed!!
The Advanced Protocol and Healing Statement training books can be ordered on Amazon:
Search for:
Robert G Fritchie.
Or from Barnes & Noble:
Robert G Fritchie books:
Roberts videos are featured on YouTube.com!!
Robert G. Fritchie Divine Love
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